Knowledgable. Encouraging. Experienced.
Are you stuck on your
Work with one of Australia’s most in-demand writing mentors and get back on track with your publication goals.
Published Novels
Years in Traditional Publishing
Years’ Teaching Experience
What Lisa’s clients say…
Access Expert Industry Advice
Since 2021, Lisa’s mentorship has led to success for many of her clients including:
Publishing contracts (Australia & internationally)
Major awards
Contest wins and placing
Clients signed with agents
Clients being contacted by interested agents
Anthology publications
Finished first drafts
Submission ready manuscripts

6 Month Mentorship
Do you have a story you’re itching to tell?
Or maybe you’ve completed a first draft and don’t know what to do next. Wherever you are on your writing journey, Lisa can help you reach the next stage!
Work with one of Australia’s most in-demand writing mentors to achieve your writing dreams.
Manuscript Assessment
Want professional advice on your completed manuscript?
Get a comprehensive overview of your manuscript to increase your chances of publishing success.
60 – 70K $1300
70 – 80K $1500
80 – 90K $1700
90 – 100K $1900
100 – 120K $2100
Career & Novel Coaching
Got a writing or publishing problem you can’t solve alone?
Have a virtual coffee with an publishing-insider!
Have you got a plot problem that won’t take six months to untangle? Or are you in need of some career coaching to help you work out your next steps towards publication?
Sometimes, all you need is a good hour (or two) with a caring an knowledgable coach.
Learn more about how Lisa can help you.
Engage Lisa as your personal writing mentor and receive valuable industry and craft insights through her six month mentorship program.
Financial Commitment: $2500*
With eight published novels over a decade-long career, Lisa understands what it takes to get a manuscript from the seed of an idea to a completed book. Her novels have been published by Penguin, Harper Collins and Pan Macmillan, giving her a broad perspective on the publishing industry.
Over the course of her career, Lisa has been represented by several different literary agencies, which places her in a good position to give advice about the querying process and representation in general. She recently moved over to Key People Literary Management and is represented by Anjanette Fennell.
Lisa is a qualified teacher, with over twenty years experience in education. She prides herself on ascertaining and meeting the needs of every student she works with. With years of experience teaching workshops and mentoring individual writers, Lisa is adept at tailoring her teaching so that writers get the most out of their sessions.
Whether you’re just starting out on your first novel, or an experienced writer looking to take your writing to the next level, Lisa can help.
Areas Lisa can assist you with:
Getting started! If you don’t know anything at all about writing but want to give it a go, Lisa can hold your hand while you take the first steps of your writing journey.
Time management - as a former Professional Organiser, this is Lisa’s strong suit! She wrote her first novel when she was working two part time jobs and parenting three small children. She understands what it’s like to write amongst the chaos, and is the queen of finding time where none exists!
Motivation and accountability - some writers work better under pressure! If that’s you, monthly sessions with Lisa might just be the key to finally getting your manuscript finished. Lisa can help you with goal setting and teach how to get back on track when your motivation is flagging.
Craft - everything from understanding the nuts and bolts of grammar, punctuation and spelling, to trickier concepts such as point of view control, and understanding “Show don’t Tell”.
Process - Lisa can help you identify what your process is and how to play to your strengths. (Spoiler alert: she is a big believer in not messing with a writer’s natural process, so you won’t be forced to do anything that doesn’t feel right for you!) Lisa’s natural process is to write “by the seat of her pants” so she identifies as a “pantser” more than a plotter. However, creating a strong plot is essential to any good novel, and Lisa can show you how, no matter what your writing process is.
Structuring a book - methods that work whether you are a plotter OR a pantser!
Creating compelling characters. Lisa is often praised by reviewers for her ability to construct complex and relatable characters. She can teach you how to do the same!
Editing - how to get your draft ready for publication.
Career and industry advice. Having been in the industry for over a decade, Lisa has a wealth of experience to draw on. Being continuously published over this period has enabled her to keep up-to-date on publishing trends and also to have some perspective on how the industry has evolved over time. If you need help with querying agents or publishers, or want to hone your pitching skills. Lisa can help!
*Includes a $200 deposit for an eligibility Zoom meeting. During this meeting Lisa will talk with you about your project and goals to ensure she is the right writing coach for you. Should she decide to not take you on, she will refund the $200 in full. Should you decide after this meeting to not proceed, the deposit will be non-refundable.
Professional Manuscript Assessments
Looking for valuable feedback on your manuscript? Lisa now offers professional manuscript assessments tailored to your specific needs.
Each manuscript assessment includes:
A comprehensive report (approx. 1-2 pages) offering overall feedback on structure, character development, plot, pacing, and more.
A marked-up manuscript highlighting key areas of improvement.
An optional 45-minute Zoom call to ask questions and clarify any issues.
Financial Commitment:
Price varies depending on manuscript length:
60 – 70K: $1300
70 – 80K: $1500
80 – 90K: $1700
90 – 100K: $1900
100 – 120K: $2100 -
Grab a virtual coffee with a publishing insider!
Whether you're stuck on a tricky plot point or seeking career guidance to map out your next steps toward publication, sometimes all it takes is an hour (or two) with a knowledgeable and supportive coach.
Get personalized, actionable advice to overcome challenges and achieve your writing and career goals.
Financial Commitment:
1-hour session: $175